William Taylor / Sarah Ann Beatty / Martha Mortimer

Settler of township lot: Lots 19 & 20, Conc. 4, Stanhope

Link to the Taylor family on the Settlers of Algonquin Highlands Family Tree website

Location: Map point is the approximate location within this irregular, waterfront Lot 20, Conc. 4 on Beech Lake running west and south beside McPhail Road.






Land acquisition: 1896 from his father William Nelson Taylor. Ontario Land Parcel Register - Stanhope (Images 242 & 246).

Other properties:

  • Lot 21, Conc. 2, Stanhope: 1926 patent for 66 acres from The Crown. Ontario Land Parcel Register Index  - Stanhope Concession 2  (Image 21).
  • Lot 22, Conc. 3 Stanhope: 1912 from William Henry Taylor (his father) for $500. Ontario Land Parcel Register Index - Stanhope (Image 386).

Dates of residency:

  • 1890 Stanhope Voters List: Wm. Taylor, owner, Lots 19 & 20, Conc. 4
  • 1893 Stanhope Directory: Wm Taylor Carnarvon Lot 20, Conc. 4
  • 1899 Stanhope Directory: Wm Taylor, Carnarvon, Lot 20, Con.4
  • 1901 Stanhope Voters List: Lots 19 & 20, Conc. 4, Stanhope
  • 1901 Census of Canada, Stanhope:
  • 1903 Business Directory, Stanhope: Wm Taylor, Winston, Lot 20, Conc. 4
  • 1903 Stanhope Voters List: Wm. Taylor, owner, Lots 19 & 20, Conc. 4
  • 1911 Stanhope Post Office List: Wm Taylor, Maple Lake Lot 19, Conc. 4
  • 1911 Census of Canada, Stanhope: Lot 19, Conc. 4
  • 1918 Stanhope Post Office List: Wm Taylor, Maple Lake Lot 19, Conc.4; also Chas. Taylor, his son
  • 1921 Census of Canada, Stanhope - William & Martha, with son Randall
  • 1931 Census of Canada, Stanhope - widowed William with son Hector and daughter Lillian
  • 1945 - died in Meaford at the home of his son Hector

Interesting facts:

John Billings brick work included the Will Taylor house on the north road at Beech Lake. Source: In Quest of Yesterday by Nila Reynolds. Published by The Provisional County of Haliburton, Minden, Ontario 1973 pg. 322

Preceding landowner: Lot 19,& 20 Conc. 4: William Nelson Taylor 1875 Crown Patent

Succeeding landowner: Lot 19,& 20 Conc. 4: 1926 William Hector Taylor (his son)

Studio photograph of William Taylor & his wife Sarah Ann Beatty, three of their daughters and three of their sons. Stanhope Museum Photo Collection. Accession #003.07.01.
