Settler of township lots: Lot 29, Conc. 7, Stanhope
Location: Map point is the approximate location within this 101 acre waterfront lot on the west end of Cameron Lake Road.
Land acquisition:
- 1876 Lands Liable to Taxation: Township of Stanhope Patent Register - 101 acres to Whitney W Blott.
- 1879 Patent from The Crown. Ontario Land Parcel Register - Stanhope (Image 159).
Dates of residency:
- 1878 Marriage to Catherine Rachel Demill in Stanhope
- 1879 Death of Son William James Blott (1878–1879) Stanhope Twp
- 1881 Census of Canada, Stanhope: Whitney W & Catharine Blott, no children
- 1893 Death before birth of last child, Stanhope
Interesting facts: Restaurant keeper. Note that all 9 of their children died at very young age from 1878 to 1884!
Preceding landowner: The Crown.
Succeeding landowner:
- 1883 John McPhail for $200
- 1910 Frederick McPhail B&S South 50 acres for $200.
- 1910 George Woodcock B&S South 50 acres for $300.
- 1930 Mathias Barry South 50 acres for $300.
Link to Settlers of Algonquin Highlands family tree
- Whitney Woodruff Blott, b. Abt 1851, Haldimand, Ontario, d. 28 Jan 1893, Fenelon Falls, (Age ~ 42 years).COD: Phthitis. Buried: St John's South Cayuga
- Catherine Rachel Demill Redner, b. 1857, Scugog Island, Victoria, Ontario, d. 24 Apr 1898, Stanhope, (Age 41 years) COD: Catarr of throat. Her tombstone on the right
• William A Demill Redner, b. 1810, Prince Edward, Ontario, d. 06 Feb 1879, Stanhope, (Age 69 years)
• Rachel DeLong, b. 1818, Prince Edward, Ontario, d. 29 Jan 1899, Stanhope, (Age 81 years)
- Children: There were 4 more chldren who died at a young age
1. Unnamed Blott, b. Aug 1881, d. 27 Aug 1881, Stanhope, (Age ~ 0 years) [Adopted]
1. William James Blott, b. 25 Oct 1878, Stanhope, d. 30 Jan 1879, Stanhope, (Age 0 years)
2. Gertrude Blott, b. 23 Sep 1879, Stanhope, d. 23 Sep 1879, Stanhope, (Age 0 years)
3. Alexander Earnest Blott, b. 17 Oct 1880, Stanhope, d. 18 Oct 1880, Stanhope, (Age 0 years)
? Fern Blott, b.
4. Louisa Elizabeth Rachel Blott, b. 05 Jan 1882, Stanhope, d. 15 Dec 1884 (Age 2 years)
5. Maud Ellenor Blott, b. Abt 1884, Fenelon Falls, d. 11 Dec 1901, Dunn, Age ~ 17 years)
Photo 1: Rachel (Delong) Demill/Redner and her daughters Jane, Catherine & Olive. Owner/Source Mabel Sawyer Brannigan. File name Rachel DeLong and daughters Jane, Catherine, Olive Demill Redner - Mabel Brannigan.jpg

Photo 2: Eva Redner (daughter of Duran Demill Redner) & Maud E. Blott about 1901, picture likely taken at Kinmount. In the 1911 census for Haldimand and Monck, Maud is living with her grand mother Elizabeth and her aunt Rachel Blott . Maud is 17 which is the age at which she died. Source: ohnmar131 originally shared this on 21 Jun 2012