Robert Sturgeon

Settler of township lots: Lots16 & 17, Conc. 3 and Lot 18, Conc. 4, Stanhope 

Location: Map point is the approximate location within this irregular, waterfront Lot 16, Conc. 3 at the west end of Beech Lake on both sides of the Beech River.

Land acquisition: These lots were patented on February 27, 1861. Township of Stanhope Patent Register, Stanhope Museum website BUT there is no record of ownership:

  • Lot 16, Conc. 3, Stanhope: 1880 Robert Ferguson Patent from The Crown. Ontario Land Parcel Register - Stanhope (Image 271).
  • Lot 17, Conc. 3, Stanhope: 1873 Richard Bailey Patent from The Crown. Ontario Land Parcel Register - Stanhope (Image 298).
  • Lot 18, Conc. 4, Stanhope: 1873 Richard Bailey Patent from The Crown. Ontario Land Parcel Register - Stanhope (Image 223).

Dates of residency: 1861 Census of Canada - This settler is listed as a farmer at Lot 16 Conc. 3, Stanhope. Nila Reynolds records Robert Sturgeon as arriving in the Boshkung area in 1861. Source: In Quest of Yesterday by Nila Reynolds. Published by The Provisional County of Haliburton, Minden, Ontario 1973 pg. 303

Interesting facts:

Link to Settlers of Algonquin Highlands family tree

  • Robert Strudgeon, b. Abt 1834, Ireland
  • Catherine (Strudgeon), b. Abt 1833, Ontario
