Settler of township lot: Lot 30, Conc. 2, Stanhope
Location: Map point is first lot running west from the south end of 30th Line Road.
Land acquisition: On July 4, 1900, Henry Smith Deacon, his father, described as a Free Grant Settler, sold Robert Deacon 95 acres in this Lot for $600. This information is found in Ontario Land Parcel Register index - Stanhope Conc 2 (Image 174) and Instrument #330 in Volume 95, page 46 & 47 in the Land Registry Deeds Copy book.
Other land: Lot 29, Conc. 2, Stanhope -1875 Patent from The Crown. Ontario Land Parcel Register - Stanhope (Image 29).
Dates of residency:
Interesting facts:
Preceding landowner: 1875 The Crown to Henry Smith Deacon, his father.
Succeeding landowner: 1914 Joseph Voicey - both lots
Link to Settlers of Algonquin Highlands family tree