John Gilbert Griffin / Catherine Tripp / Clarinda Clark

Settler of township lots: Lot 2, Conc. 3, Guilford (Stanhope area)

Location: Map point is the approximate location of this lot which runs north from Irish Line one lot east of the StanhopeGuilford border.

Land acquisition: 1883 Patent from The Crown. Ontario Land Parcel Register - Guilford (Image 6).

Dates of residency:

  • 1903 Business Directory, Guilford: John Griffin, Maple Lake, Lot 2, Conc. 3
  • 1911 Census of Canada, Guilford: John & Clarenda Griffin at Lot 2, Conc. 3

Interesting facts:

In 1937, according to the marriage license application of his son Lorne, John was living in Port Colborne and his wife Clara was living in Haliburton. He died there in 1945 and his sister Mrs. Elizabeth Herbert gave the information on the death registration, including that he had lived in Port Colborne for 29 years.

Preceding landowner: The Crown

Succeeding landowner:

  • 1918 his nephew Ernest Griffin

Link to Settlers of Algonquin Highlands family tree
