Settler of township lots: Lot 24, Conc. 7, Stanhope
Link to Settlers of Algonquin Highlands family tree

Location: Map point is the lot on the east end of the north end of Dawson Road
Land acquisition:
- 187? Lands Liable to Taxation: Township of Stanhope Patent Register - 101 acres to Peter Drake
- This 50.5 acre lot (South half) was patented on 6 Jul 1915 Ontario Land Parcel Register Book - Stanhope Concession 7 (Image 142).
Other land:
- Lot 24, Conc. 6, Stanhope - 1906 North part from Hiram Barry; 1917 to Milton L. Dawson. Ontario Land Parcel Register - Stanhope (Image 122)
- Lots 8 & 9, Conc. 6, Guilford - 1917 from Robert Cruickshanks. Ontario Land Parcel Register - Guilford (Images 71 & 79).
Dates of residency:
- 1911 Census of Canada, Stanhope: Lot 24, Conc. 6
- Henry Barry
- Joseph Jr & Laura Fader
- 1911 Stanhope Voters List: This settler as Harry Barry, was listed at this lot
- 1911 Stanhope Township Post Office List: Lot 24, Conc. 6
- 1928 Death: West Guilford
Preceding landowner: The Crown
Succeeding landowner:
- 1917 Milton L. Dawson B & S for $1,000
- 1963 Frederick & Edith Griffin
- 1967 Brown Camps Leasing Limited
Photo: George Bailey Barry & his wife Mary Jane Sawyer. The three children in the photo are probably their first three children - Hiram, Rosey & Henry. Source: Deloris Sawyer Bailey