Settler of township lots: Lots 18 & 19, Conc. 2, Stanhope
Link to the Sisson family on the Settlers of Algonquin Highlands family tree website
Location: The map point is the approximate location within the 99 acre Lot 18, Conc. 2 running south from Hwy 118 opposite Breezy Lane.
Land acquisition:
Dates of residency:
Interesting facts:
Henry Billing built this handsome stone farmhouse for his sister-in-law Anne Wyatt and her husband, Edward Sisson. Edward was better known as Uncle Neddie and served as the postmaster for the area for a while, handling the mail from here. Source: Explore Haliburton by Susan Wilson (Stoddard Books, 1997)
When Mrs. Phoebe Damyon was no longer able to make the 104 trips a year to Minden by horseback, sleigh or buggy, to collect the mail, the job was taken over by Edward " Neddie" Sisson and his wife, Anne Wyatt. Their original log cabin housing the post office on Lots 18 & 19, Conc. 2 Stanhope, still excellently preserved [in 1973] was converted to a summer home by Mr. & Mrs. G. Hicks. Source: In Quest of Yesterday by Nila Reynolds. Published by The Provisional County of Haliburton, Minden, Ontario 1973 pg. 316
Mrs. Neddy Sisson of Stanhope carded her own wool as well as spinning and knitting it up into such major clothing items as long underwear. Men who worked outdoors in the logging camps needed two new suits every 2 or 3 years since the life of these garments did not exceed 4 years. Source: Dream of Excellence by Nila Reynolds. Haliburton Highlands Guild of Fine Arts 1976 Pg 15
Peterson Post Office - 1862 to 1876: The location of the Post Office moved about as it was housed in the home of the current Postmaster. All offices were within a 1/2 mile radius of the junction of the Bobcaygeon and Peterson Roads. Edward Sisson was the postmaster from Feb 1, 1862 to Jan 2, 1863. Mr. Sisson moved to the Carnarvon area, where years later he became Postmaster. It is believed that he lived just south of the Peterson Road at this time, which would place his residence in either Anson or Minden Township.
Edward Sisson's Obituary
After a brief illness of two weeks there passed away on October 16th one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of this neighborhood in the person of Mr. Edward Sisson, at the advanced age of over 92 years.
Mr. Sisson was born in Westmorland, England in August 1828 and came to Canada when a boy and settled in the Township of Cavan. He came to Haliburton County in 1860, when the country was practically a wilderness. He lived for some years at what is known as "The Junction" on the Bobcaygeon Road, keeping a stopping place for travellers as well as the post office. From here he moved to Beech Lake one mile north of Carnarvon on the Maple Lake Road, where he lived until he passed away.
He married his first wife Miss Sarah Dawson, of Cavan, who predeceased him some thirty five years. Afterwards he married Miss Anne Wyatt who survives him.
Besides his wife he leaves seven sons and one daughter, namely James of Walhalla, N.D., Jane, William and Harry of North Dakota, Edward of Vancoiuver, Thomas and Stephen in Manitoba, and Herbert at home.
Interment took place at the beautiful little cemetery at St. Peter's Church where a suitable ceremony was conducted by Rev. G.E. Fierheller of Minden.
In religion Mr. Sisson was an Anglican, in politics a Conservative. Uncle Ned, as he was commonly called, will be missed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Source: Lydia Coulter Scrapbook Collection, Book 2, Page 74.
Preceding landowner: The Crown
Succeeding landowner: