Zachariah Cole

Settler of township lot: Lots 30 (map point), 31 & 32 , Conc. A, Sherborne

Dates of residency: 1881 Census of Canada, Sherborne - Zaciria & Sarah A Cole with 9 childen. The oldest, John James Cole, is listed at Lots 1 & 2, Conc. 12, Sherborne.

Preceding landowner:

Succeeding landowner:

Link to Settlers of Algonquin Highlands family tree

Information source: 1881 Census of Canada, Sherborne

Photo description and source: Zachariah Cole Portrait Dorset, Ontario, Canada. "Zachariah was the founder of Dorset, Ontario which was previously called Cedar Narrows." Source: lornapcole originally shared this on 16 Sep 2014
