Tom & Pearl (Wells) Parris *

Settler of township lot: Lot 8, Conc. 12, McClintock Twp (Oxtongue Lake Area)

Location: Map point is the approximate location on this lot at the mouth of the Oxtongue River.

Land Acquisition: No record of ownership.

Dates of residency: 1928 began to work as a Forest Ranger for the Department of Lands and Forests.

Interesting facts: Source: "Gouldie Reunion 1992", compiled by several members of the Gouldie family under the leadership of Irene Gouldie Clayton and Bob & Pat Gouldie, donated to the Dwight Public Library, January 1993.

Tom Parris was born in Dwight in 1893, the son of James and Annie Parris.  

He was a farmer, shantyman, and a fire ranger for the last 29 years of his life with the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests.  He was a member of the Orange Lodge.  He married Pearl Wells, in St. Peters Church, Dwight.  Reception was held at the home of Lottie and Fred Quinn.  Their home was Dwight.

They raised a family of three, Dorothy (Mrs. Mell Quinn), Bertha (Mrs. Norman Vanclief), and James (known as Jimmie).

Mrs. Parris was a good cook and spent many summers cooking in the lodges. 

Not only was Pearl a marvelous cook, often preparing meals for 12-15 guests, she organized picnics, played cards with the children and taught them how to fish!  Tom Parris manned the local fire tower.  He sometimes took the young people to see his tower and would entertain them with stories at his cabin at the mouth of the river.  He took care of Lewis Camp during the winters and made it ready for summer visitors.  A fine and much loved couple! (submitted by Ted Blackman)

Mrs. Parris passed away January 25, 1963.  Tom Parris passed away May 3, 1965.

On the shore of the Oxtongue River where Tom's cabin stood, a memorial dedication service and the unveiling of a cairn was held in memory of the late Tom Parris.  

Read TOM PARRIS as told by granddaughter Jacqueline (VanClief) Hatkoski in Facts and Fables of Oxtongue Lake, 2000 pg.25

Ownership History, Lot 8, Conc. 12, McClintock, from Ontario Land Parcel Register - McClintock (Image 132-133):

  • 1940 The Ontario Land Parcel Register - McClintock (Image 132) Dept of Lands & Forests, grantor re Summer Resort Locations Lots 1 to 18.
  • 1954 Patent Deed from Her Majesty to Donald Sisson & Eleanor Epley Maglott Pt lot .083 acres.
  • 1961 Letters Patent from Her Majesty to Helen Groom Nelson, married woman
  • 1966 Estate of Helen Groom Nelson to Jean Sproule
  • 1984 Twp of Sherborne to Charles & Cecil Bolding and Ronald & Blondelle Campbell Part 1, 19R-R710
  • 1985 Twp of Sherborne to Donald M Miller
  • 1988 Twp of Sherborne to Charles Barr Copeland, part
  • 1989 Twp of Sherborne to Gertrude Booth
  • 1990 Twp of Sherborne to Hawkins & Longeway
  • 1992 Gertrude Booth to Mark & Christine Rachar

Link to Settlers of Algonquin Highlands family tree

Image 1: Tom's Cabin, late 1940's. Source: Facts and Fables of Oxtongue Lake, 2000 pg. 25

Photo 2: Tom Parris with his canoe and Land & Forest Posters - 1935. Source: Facts and Fables of Oxtongue Lake, 2000 pg. 26
