David Burton Dewar

Settler of township lots: Lot 7, Conc. 5, Livingstone Twp

Location: Map point is the approximate location on the west shore of Livingstone Lake.

Land acquisition: 1888 Patent from The Crown for 106 acres for mining. Ontario Land Parcel Register - Livingstone (Click here and go to Image 9).

Other Land:

  • Lot 8, Conc. 4, Livingstone Twp. 1888 Patent from The Crown. 62 acre parcel fronting on the west side of both Livingstone (Round) Lake and Bear Lake.. Ontario Land Parcel Register - Livingstone (Click here and go to Image 125).
  • Lot 9, Conc. 4, Livingstone Twp. 888 Patent from The Crown 52 acre parcel fronting on east side of both Livingstone (Round) Lake and Bear Lake.. Ontario Land Parcel Register - Livingstone (Click here and go to Image 137).

Dates of residency:

  • He received a patent for this 106 acre lot on 23 Apr 1888. On 1 June 1896, he conveyed the lot to the Round Lake Fishing and Hunting Company for $1.00.
  • 1891 Livingstone Voters List: Lots 8 & 9, Conc. 4 and Lot 7, Conc. 5.
  • 1893 Haliburton Directory at Lot 7, Conc. 5 but London Post Office

Interesting facts:

The Round Lake Fishing and Hunting Company had been incorporated earlier in 1896. In 1951, the Department of Mines granted a Certificate of Forfeiture, as the Mining Tax was in default. This property on the west shore of Livingstone Lake is accessed by Round Lake Co. Lane.

Obituary in Grand Lodge A.F.& A.M. of Canada In the Province of Ontario Proceedings 1940

Right Worshipful Brother David Burton Dewar

Hamilton lost on October 29th, 1939 one of its oldest Masons. Death removed to the Grand Lodge Above a highly respected and revered brother in the person of R.W. Bro. David B, Dewar at the age of 92 years.

He was initiated in Temple Lodge, No. 324, Hamilton on Oct. 23rd, 1876. He moved from Hamilton and took up residence at Kitchener, joined and became quite active in Grand River Lodge, No. 151, having filled the oflFice of Worshipful Master in the year 1883. He was honoured by being elected D.D.G.M. for the Wellington District in 1884.

In business he was a bank manager and held many high and varied positions. And on retirement he came back to Hamilton where for the last twenty years he lived a quiet and retiring life after a life well spent.

Our worthy brother received the Veteran's Jewel some years ago. At the time of his death he was the oldest member of Hiram Chapter No. 2, R.A.M. He was advanced April 16th, 1877 and was made a Life Member Nov. 8th, 1905.The funeral was largely attended by his former associates by whom he was held in the highest esteem.

Preceding landowner: The Crown

Succeeding landowner: Round Lake Fishing and Hunting Company.
