Location: Guilford Township (Dysart)
According to researcher Elinor Whitten’s personal communication with Liz Cowen, "Rumour has it that Redstone Lake was named after an Indian Chief, but others say it's named from the rock around it which is slightly red" (Source: Cowen, L personal communications, 1998. Liz Cowen responded by letter to researcher Elinor Whidden’s ad in the local paper looking for origins of lake names in Haliburton.)
Also Known As: Red Stone Lake (MNR archives)
The above information came from: Discovering the (Hi)story of Haliburton Through Its Lakes' Names by Elinor Whidden, a student report prepared for Trent University - Bioregionalism Course, 1998. From the U-Links Centre for Community-Based Research Collection.