Location: Sherborne Township
Origin of the Official Name: Geographic Board of Canada. January 17, 1952
"Descriptive of 'plastic', a by-product of woods" (see geo. bd. list 1598-31E) "Plastic Lake suggested to replace common name Pine Lake which was on Patents Plan of Township"
Plastic Lake is the site of a MOE research centre. (Source: Ministry of the Environment - note Aug 15, 88. MNR archives.)
Also Known As:
• Olga Lake (MNR archives)
• Little Pine (MNR archives)
• Pine Lake (MNR archives)
The above information came from: Discovering the (Hi)story of Haliburton Through Its Lakes' Names by Elinor Whidden, a student report prepared for Trent University - Bioregionalism Course, 1998. From the U-Links Centre for Community-Based Research Collection.