Location: Sherborne Township
Origin of the Official Name: Geographic Board of Canada. 15th Report
According to Craig Macdonald, an expert on Aboriginal languages who knows much of the history of First Nations people in the Haliburton and Muskoka regions "This name means 'The Place of the Red Orchre'. There was iron in the red mud or orchre in this region. Aboriginal people dug it up and fired it to make red paint” (Source: Macdonald, C. personal communications with researcher Elinor Whidden, 1998.)
Also Known As:
• Numikani Lake (MNR archives), (map at Rudy's Restaurant (now Rhubarb, map long gone) in Carnarvon)
• Crab Lake (MNR archives) - used to be called: Crab Lake
• Numnekaning Lake (MNR archives)
• Wumikani Lake (MNR archives)
The above information came from: Discovering the (Hi)story of Haliburton Through Its Lakes' Names by Elinor Whidden, a student report prepared for Trent University - Bioregionalism Course, 1998. From the U-Links Centre for Community-Based Research Collection.