Livingstone Lake History


Location: Livingstone Township

Origin of the Official Name: Geographic Board of Canada. 1936-37

According to researcher Elinor Whitten’s personal communication with Liz Cowen, "The township [and presumably the lake] was named after Rev. David Livingstone, explorer and missionary in Africa" (Source: Cowen, L personal communications, 1998. Liz Cowen responded by letter to researcher Elinor Whidden’s ad in the local paper looking for origins of lake names in Haliburton.)

Also Known As:
• Round Lake (MNR archives)
• Rainbow Lake (MNR archives)

The above information came from: Discovering the (Hi)story of Haliburton Through Its Lakes' Names by Elinor Whidden, a student report prepared for Trent University- Bioregionalism Course, 1998. From the U-Links Centre for Community-Based Research Collection.
