Location: Stanhope Township
Officially Named: by Geographic Board of Canada. gazette 1962
According to local historian Nila Reynolds "A folk tale persists which claims that a trapper named Hall, camping by the shores of what is now Hall's Lake [sic], disagreed with a band of passing Indians and was murdered by them. White men, learning of his fate, bestowed his name upon the lake where he met his death" (Source: Reynolds, N. (1973) In Quest of Yesterday: Haliburton County. Minden, Ontario: The Provincial County of Haliburton. 301.)
There was certainly hostility between Natives and non-Native in Haliburton at this time. However, hostility and violence went both ways. The fact that Hall, and not some Aboriginal person victim of White hostility, is remembered through a lake name may reflect the power that Whites have in the naming process.
Also Known As:
• Hall's Lake (MNR archives)
• Hall Lake (MNR archives)
• Kushog Lake (MNR archives)
• Kahwahshebemagog Lake (MNR archives)
• Kah-shog Lake (MNR archives)
• Kah-wah-she-be-mah-gog Lake (MNR archives)
The above information came from: Discovering the (Hi)story of Haliburton Through Its Lakes' Names by Elinor Whidden, a student report prepared for Trent University - Bioregionalism Course, 1998. From the U-Links Centre for Community-Based Research Collection.
Lake Association: Halls and Hawk Lakes Property Owners Association (HHLPOA) https://hallshawklakes.ca/