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Rogers Store

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Geographic location: Lot 18, Conc.13, Minden (Stanhope area)

Current address: 9271 Hwy 118 East, in Carnarvon at Hwy 35 and East Road.

Date range: TBD to present

Interesting facts:

 A general store has stood on this site for over a century. In 1898, George P. Hart purchased the existing business from Joseph Hopkins and added the post office to the operation. T. H. Rogers and his son Clayton Rogers ran both the store and the Carnarvon post office from 1907 to 1944. Other persons who operated the post office and store at this location were Gordon Allcorn, Phillip Allcorn, Margaret Olive Barnes, Ian Forbes Gray and Mrs. Shirley Gray, It has survived three fires that repeatedly destroyed the adjacent house, which was rebuilt each time.

Clayton Rogers later went into politics and became reeve of the municipality of Anson, Hindon, and Minden.

The Rogers Store was also the later location of Windsor and Alcorn, the Hitch n' Post, and the Hair Lounge. The first phone call in the county was made between here and the Sisson farm on Grass River on November 29, 1921. The original house was lost to a fire. The original store offered both a post office and gas pumps. The road once ran right up alongside the front porch of the house.

Information source:

  • Stanhope Heritage Driving Tour brochure / Stanhope Museum collection
  • Explore Halilburton by Susan Wilson (Stoddard Books, 1997)

Public access: No

Current use: Private residence

Photo 1: Rogers Store in Winter

Photo 2: Rogers Store, Carnarvon. Source: Carol Moffatt's Postcard Collection

Photo 3: Rogers Store