Geographic location: Lot 15, Conc. 13, Minden (Stanhope area)
Current address: 15526 Hwy 35, Carnarvon (now Pine Reflections)
Date range:
Interesting facts:
- Also ran Gregory's Gift store
- The Gregory family lived in the large cabin behind The Mill Pond Restaurant along with old Alfie Gregory (Fred Gregory's grandfather)
- Also owned by Fletcher and Fennel
- 1996 Carnarvon Garage & Pine Reflections Gifts: Gina & Nigel Atkinson
Public access:
Current use: Business
Ownership History:
- 1868 Patent from The Crown John Grier Peck 93 acres
- 1868 Samuel S Peck
- 1879 John Hogg
- 1884 Alfred Thomas
- 1903 Alfred W Moore
- Parcel Broken Into Separate Lots
Photo: Gregory's Garage from Carol Moffatt's Postcard Collection