Geographic location: Lot 17, Conc. 1, Stanhope
Current address: 9357 Hwy 118 east of Senitt Hill Lane
Date Range: 1870 to 1963
Interesting facts:
- This school was originally a log building, set apart from other box-type buildings of its day by a porch out the front. It was built from logs hewn with a broad axe and chinked with locally burned lime. It was built on property owned by Andrew Brown and as well as being known as Brown’s School, it was known as the Union School as well as S.S. No 1. Stanhope and S.S. No. 10. Minden. In 1905 it was replaced with a frame school built about 80 feet farther back from the road than the log one, and although it is now a private home, the bell housing still sits atop it.
- This school was also used as Methodist church until the Zion church was built in 1891. When the new frame school was built, the old log building was sold to John Cowan, the farmer who then owned the property. He moved it up the hill beside his barn and used it to house his pigs and chickens. The school was closed in 1963 and the pupils bused to Minden. Source: Stanhope 125th Anniversary 1866-1991, supplement to The Times, Minden, 1991 Nila Reynolds, In Quest of Yesterday, 315, 316.
Public access: No
Current use: private home
Photo source: Stanhope Museum - Accession #019.01.14