Geographic location: Lot 25, Conc. 3, Stanhope
Current address: 10458 Hwy 118
Date range: Oct 16, 1903 to Apr 30, 1959
Interesting facts:
The Postmaster from 1903 to 1950 was Thomas Jones Junior, who operated a store, blacksmith shop, sawmill and planing mill, sold ice, and had two gas pumps from 1927 onward. The post office began in the store, then moved to a room in the new brick house built by John Billing in 1908, and then to a frame structure attached to the back of the house.
Upon his resignation in January 1950, his daughter Juliet Harrison became the Postmaster in the same location. The post office was closed on April 30, 1959. Source: P. Marshall, granddaughter of Thomas Jones Jr. and daughter of Juliette Harrison.
For a brief period of time in 1911/1912 the name of the post office was changed to Mill Hill due to confusion with another post office at Maple Lake Station. By 1913 the issue was resolved, and the name returned to Maple Lake.
Public access: No
Current use: Private property
Information source: Library and Archives Canada Post Offices and Postmasters