Maple Lake Methodist / United Church

Geographic location: Lot 31, Conc. 5, Stanhope

Current address: 10961 Hwy 118 E. at the north east corner of Hwy 118 and Airport Road.

Date range: 1884 to 2022  The one acre at the southwest corner of this lot was deeded for $1 to the Trustees of the Methodist Church in 1884 by Benjamin Clark.

Interesting facts:

According to the 1884 deed, the Trustees were Henry S Deacon, Thomas Jones, Hugh McPhail, James Sawyer, Dorland Redner, James Melville, William Redner, Hiram Sawyer & Benjamin Clarke(sic).

Once called the "Twentieth Century Church", this church sits at "Clark's Corners" and dates back to 1900 when the Pine Lake and Maple Lake Methodist congregations amalgamated. Lumber was hauled from Stevens' mill on Boshkung Lake and the contractor was paid $115 for 12 weeks' work. Its cemetery was a burying ground before the church was built, and some of Stanhope's most prominent pioneer families are buried here.

Public access: No

Current use: Deconsecrated in 2022. Now owned privately.
