Knox United Church

Geographic location: Lot 29, Conc A, Sherborne

Current address: 1012 Harvey Avenue, Dorset

Date range: 1894 to present

Interesting facts: While built as a Presbyterian Church in 1894, the Methodists and Presbyterians combined services here. In 1944 it became Knox United church. A plaque set in the stone wall in 1994 commemorates Norm MacKay, a descendant of one of the original settler families. The stone fence surrounded the church to keep wandering livestock out of the church yard. In its early years, if the weather was unfavourable on Sunday, church services were simply held on a different day.

Public access: Yes

Current use: Church

Information source: Dorset Heritage Walking Tour brochure

Photo information & source: Knox United Church, Dorset - Lake of Bays Pastoral Charge website
